Avail­ab­le on short noti­ce: Ten­sor with a digi­tal dis­play!

We can look back on 2017 as a suc­cess­ful year, which ent­e­red the final pha­se with DIAM 2017. Like the two pre­vious years, 2017 was a year of inno­va­ti­on initia­ti­ves at ARIS, which resul­ted in nume­rous future- and custo­mer-ori­en­ted pro­ducts.

Both the many inte­res­ting con­ver­sa­ti­ons at DIAM, for which we wish to thank you, and the con­stant­ly gro­wing sales figu­res con­firm that the new ARIS pro­ducts meet the requi­re­ments and pre­fe­ren­ces of the mar­ket. True to the mot­to “If you don’t go for­wards, you go back­wards” we will con­ti­nue with our inno­va­ti­on initia­ti­ve next year so that we will be able to show you new and future sustain­ab­le pro­ducts again in 2018. Without giving away too much, the focus will be on user fri­end­li­ness, per­for­mance clas­ses and are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on.

Thank you for your inte­rest and the con­fi­dence you have shown us in 2017, becau­se it is only through your use of our pro­ducts that we can deve­lop new pro­duct fea­tures that meet your future pre­fe­ren­ces and requi­re­ments.


VEN­TA­RIS — The pre­ci­si­on lift unit for val­ve adjust­ment

Our ful­ly elec­tro­ni­cal­ly con­trol­led high pre­ci­si­on actua­tor “Ten­sor” and the clas­sic, yet up-to-date rota­ry dri­ve “Nano+” have alre­ady pro­ven
in the mar­ket and both enjoy a strong demand.
Sin­ce 2015 both actua­tors are in use as dri­ve heads for our line­ar moti­on dri­ve “LINEA­RIS“. In com­bi­na­ti­on with this main­ten­an­ce-free and pre­cise line­ar unit they offer the same advan­ta­ges as in their regu­lar use as rota­ry and part-turn dri­ves.
Why not trans­fer the­se relia­ble and custo­mer appre­cia­ted advan­ta­ges to a spe­cial design val­ve unit? The ans­wer is our new­ly deve­lo­ped “Ven­ta­ris”, a main­ten­an­ce-free and pre­cise val­ve unit with the bene­fit of free­ly chan­ge­ab­le dri­ve heads (ARIS Ten­sor and Nano+).
Learn more about our pro­ducts and expe­ri­ence the brand new “Ven­ta­ris” live at our booth at the DIAM 2017 in Bochum.

Now also represented in Russia

ARIS Stell­an­trie­be — now also rep­re­sen­ted in Rus­sia

ARIS is expan­ding its com­pe­tence cen­tres whe­re­ver they are nee­ded. With our expe­ri­ence and our high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts such as the Ten­sor actua­tor, we will also be able to bet­ter ser­ve the Rus­si­an mar­ket in the future. With a new part­ner in Rus­sia, our sales force now pro­vi­des expert local ser­vice and advice from A-Z. We are buil­ding brid­ges with a pas­si­on that dri­ves suc­cess.

Tensor Fully electronic rotary drive

Ten­sor — The next gene­ra­ti­on of rota­ry dri­ves!

Do you know of an actua­tor that offers a high level of pre­ci­si­on, pro­vi­des maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty, meets all ope­ra­tio­nal safe­ty requi­re­ments and is both eco­no­mi­c­al and dura­ble?

If you do, then it’s bound to be Ten­sor!

Curious? Then sim­ply click on the fol­lo­wing link to view the Ten­sor data sheet with detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on. We would also be delight­ed to give you an in-dep­th intro­duc­tion to the next gene­ra­ti­on of dri­ve tech­no­lo­gy during a per­so­nal mee­ting in your com­pa­ny or on our stand at the “Val­ve World 2016”. We look for­ward to see­ing you!

No wis­hes remain unful­fil­led!


No wishes remain unfulfilled!


Ten­sor is avail­ab­le in three dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons with count­less modi­fi­ca­ti­on opti­ons.



Tensor Fully electronic rotary drive

ARIS inte­gra­tes a fail-safe modu­le with direct cur­rent dri­ves of the Nano + series

Sin­ce the posi­tio­n­ing of an actua­tor to a safe­ty posi­ti­on in com­plex sys­tems beco­mes increa­singly important in the event of a power fail­u­re, ARIS Stell­an­trie­be GmbH offers a fail-safe ver­si­on for clas­sic actua­tors of the Nano-DC series. In order to ensu­re rapid rege­ne­ra­ti­on after the safe­ty func­tion has been activa­ted, a bat­te­ry solu­ti­on has been exclu­ded from the out­set. Read more

New ope­ra­ting soft­ware for the ful­ly elec­tro­nic ARIS rota­ry dri­ve Ten­sor

The Ten­sor dri­ve series offers a varie­ty of set­ting opti­ons and eva­lu­able data alre­ady in the basic ver­si­on, due to its inter­nal elec­tro­nic con­trol and moni­to­ring sys­tem. The set­ting takes place via the stan­dard on-board ope­ra­ti­on. Read more

TÜV Süd Indus­tri­al Ser­vice cer­ti­fies ARIS actua­tors for elec­tro­nic fuel-air-com­po­und ope­ra­ti­on

Sin­ce April 2016 ARIS Stell­an­trie­be is offe­ring for their Nano series a form-clo­sed moun­ted poten­tio­me­ter for a one-chan­nel poten­tio­me­ter feed­back used in regu­la­ti­on units for fuel, air and exhaust streams in com­bi­na­ti­on with fuel-air-com­po­und sys­tems accord­ing to DIN EN 12067–2. ARIS Stell­an­trie­be uses a well esta­blished poten­tio­me­ter made by Novo­tech­nik. The design ensu­res a simp­le, back­lash-free and ste­p­less adjust­ment of the poten­tio­me­ter. The com­ple­te unit was cer­ti­fied by TÜV Süd Indus­tri­al Ser­vice and also tested for vibra­ti­on resis­tan­ce and elec­tri­cal safe­ty.

Tensor Nano+ Dreh- und Schwenkantriebe für Ex-Zone 2 und 22

IBExU cer­ti­fies ARIS actua­tors for use in hazar­dous are­as of zones 2 and 22

Becau­se of the pos­si­bi­li­ty of occur­rence of explo­si­ve gases or dust hazard, more and more plant are­as are decla­red to Zone 2 (gas) or 22 (dusts). Shall elec­tric actua­tors be used in the­se are­as, tho­se very often must be build fla­me­pro­of , which are actual­ly desi­gned for use in hazar­dous are­as of zone 1 and Read more

ARIS Schwenkantrieb Nano+ L 120 Nm

ARIS erwei­tert kom­pak­te Bau­rei­hen um neue Bau­grö­ße „L“

Sowohl für den voll­elek­tro­ni­schen Stell­an­trieb Ten­sor als auch für den klas­si­schen Antrieb Nano führt die ARIS Stell­an­trie­be GmbH eine drit­te Bau­grö­ße „L“ ein, wel­che den Dreh­mo­ment­be­reich bis 120 Nm erwei­tert. Bemer­kens­wert ist hier­bei, dass sich die Grund­flä­che des Stell­an­trie­bes hier­durch nicht ver­än­dert und den ARIS Kun­den ein leis­tungs­star­ker Antrieb auf einer Grund­flä­che zur Ver­fü­gung steht, die übli­cher­wei­se nur in der 20 Nm-Klas­se ein­ge­hal­ten wird. Die Ein­stel­lung und der Anschluss blei­ben trotz der extrem kom­pak­ten Bau­form so kom­for­ta­bel wie ARIS Kun­den dies von Ten­sor und Nano+ gewohnt sind.

ARIS baut den voll­elek­tro­ni­schen Stell­an­trieb Ten­sor um die Sicher­heits­funk­ti­on „Feder­rück­lauf“ aus

Bereits bei der Grund­kon­zep­ti­on des voll­elek­tro­nisch gere­gel­ten Stell­an­triebs Ten­sor wur­de die Opti­on eines Feder­rück­laufs bei Span­nungs­ab­fall berück­sich­tigt. Zur Mes­se DIAM 2016 in Mün­chen zeigt die ARIS Stell­an­trie­be GmbH nun die ab dann ver­füg­ba­re Seri­en­lö­sung, bei der gesi­cher­te Feder­pa­ke­te unten in das Antriebs­ge­häu­se ein­ge­setzt wer­den. Read more