Avail­ab­le on short noti­ce: Ten­sor with a digi­tal dis­play!

We can look back on 2017 as a suc­cess­ful year, which ent­e­red the final pha­se with DIAM 2017. Like the two pre­vious years, 2017 was a year of inno­va­ti­on initia­ti­ves at ARIS, which resul­ted in nume­rous future- and custo­mer-ori­en­ted pro­ducts.

Both the many inte­res­ting con­ver­sa­ti­ons at DIAM, for which we wish to thank you, and the con­stant­ly gro­wing sales figu­res con­firm that the new ARIS pro­ducts meet the requi­re­ments and pre­fe­ren­ces of the mar­ket. True to the mot­to “If you don’t go for­wards, you go back­wards” we will con­ti­nue with our inno­va­ti­on initia­ti­ve next year so that we will be able to show you new and future sustain­ab­le pro­ducts again in 2018. Without giving away too much, the focus will be on user fri­end­li­ness, per­for­mance clas­ses and are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on.

Thank you for your inte­rest and the con­fi­dence you have shown us in 2017, becau­se it is only through your use of our pro­ducts that we can deve­lop new pro­duct fea­tures that meet your future pre­fe­ren­ces and requi­re­ments.